Photograph Jewerly Idea for Mom

martha stewart photograph jewelery diy craftToday’s DIY Mother’s Day gift idea is photograph jewelery. This is one of many adorable idea that comes from Martha Stewart.

Items you’ll need:
-Chain for necklace or bracelet
-Miniature self-adhesive frames (sold at crafts stores)
-Metal pendants
-Jewelry glue
-Jump rings (to attach charms to chains)
-Flat-nose pliers

I don’t want to steal Martha’s idea so head on over to her website for the how-to of this craft. If any of you have tried this and have any suggestions please share them with everyone in the comments.

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About Ashley

Ashley is very happily married and the mother to a beautiful little girl, and she is the main voice behind Embracing Beauty.


  1. so pretty 😀

  2. MrsAshley says

    Aren't they though? I love the sepia tone used.

  3. these are beautiful pieces 🙂
    Stumbled upon your blog through "moms bloggers club". Very nice 🙂

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