Wordless Wednesday: Dirty Dog

What Green Cupcake

Our dog Lucy was caught red handed…or green nosed!

For those wondering and worried if our dog is going to get diabetes, she’s not.  She’s fine.  She didn’t really eat a cupcake she just enjoyed the sprinkles my little girl left behind on the floor.  It still makes for a cute picture though, right?

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About Ashley

Ashley is very happily married and the mother to a beautiful little girl, and she is the main voice behind Embracing Beauty.


  1. what a cutie!! and one cupcake won’t send her into a diabetic coma 😉

  2. Ha! That is too funny 🙂

  3. tannawings says

    As loong as the cupcake wasnt chocolaate she will be just fine 🙂

  4. Michelle Proper says

    Haha! Your doggie is a cutie!

  5. Animals are such characters. I have 3 dogs and 2 cats. I love all my animals just like I do my kids.

  6. Patricia Creasy says

    They can be naughty doggies alright! We have one that loves to bite at your heels while you are trying to walk.

  7. MD Kennedy says

    So, the dog didn’t eat the cupcake? My cat woulda wolfed that thing down in a second and then, of course, hacked it up on carpet in some secret place so it would take me at least a week to find it!

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