Wet Ones Antibacterial Hand Wipes for Back to School

Wet Ones Travel

Since I was first pregnant I’ve been kind of a germaphobe.  I wanted to avoid germs to avoid being sick because I knew I couldn’t take strong antibiotics to fight it.  That plan has worked well for me.  I haven’t been sick in over two years and my little one is over a year now and hasn’t been sick.  I’m not completely crazy and my house isn’t close to immaculate or germ-free.  I know that some germs are good for you but I’m sure we get plenty of those anyway.


Since having a little one who is into everything I’ve became a little more cautious.  I’m constantly wiping down her hands and washing things she touches.  For the longest time I wished that there was something that I could take with me to kill germs when I’m out and about.  Lysol spray is obnoxious and not exactly ideal for travel.  Clorox wipes aren’t convenient in their giant tub.  I wished for wipes that I could fit in my purse, car, and diaper bag and I finally have them!  I’m seriously elated.  Wet Ones antibacterial hand wipes are amazing!  I can wipe down tables at the restaurant instead of trying to discreetly slather hand sanitizer.  These will be perfect to carry with me to wipe dirty hands when washing isn’t an option.


wet ones singles


Not only do they come in a container similar to the travel diaper wipes but they also have individual wipes packages!  These Wet Ones single packs would be perfect to keep in a jacket pocket, in the glove compartment, or even to slip in a lunch box.  Come to think of it, these are perfect for back to school!  I bet any teacher would be glad to receive a package of these to start the school year.



“I wrote this review while participating in a blog tour by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of Wet Ones. I received a product sample to facilitate my review and a promotional item to thank me for taking the time to participate.”

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About Ashley

Ashley is very happily married and the mother to a beautiful little girl, and she is the main voice behind Embracing Beauty.


  1. I will be placing these in my son and daughter’s lunch boxes this year. My 5th grader told me they aren’t required to wash hands before lunch. I will be writing a letter to school about this as well as I find it very gross!

  2. The Rebel Chick Jenn says

    I consider WetOnes a requirement for our back to school supplies! There are so many germs in classrooms!

  3. Liz @ A Nut in a Nutshell says

    Yes! I hear you about slathering on the antibacterial gel. This is a way better idea!!!

  4. Beeb Ashcroft says

    These are so convenient!

  5. Tesa @ 2 Wired 2 Tried says

    We love Wet Ones especially when my 5 & 6-year-old are eating ice cream on a hot summer day.

  6. Brett Martin says

    I’d much rather the kids use these than antibac gels. The alcohol dries our skin out. I’m having a hard time getting past the kids not having to wash their hands before lunch. i am going to be asking at my kids’ school tomorrow!

  7. I’m a total germaphobe! I carry packs of these everywhere! 🙂

  8. Shell Fruscione says

    My son is still too young for school, but we use these daily anyway & have since my son was a little one!

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