Children’s Classic Hardcover Books for Only $1.70 Each!

childrens books has a collection of 10 Classic Children’s Hardcover Books for only $14.99, plus $1.99 shipping!  That means that each book is only $1.70!   A few of the book titles include Good Night Moon, Curious George Gets a Medal, Mike Mulligan & the Steam Shovel and 7 more!  To get this amazing deal for your kids or as a gift simply add the collection to your cart and you may or may not need to use the coupon code LS105.  When I purchased my set I didn’t need to use the coupon.


Plus,  if you shop through Ebates you’ll get 5% cash back!

Thanks, The Krazy Coupon Lady!

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About Ashley

Ashley is very happily married and the mother to a beautiful little girl, and she is the main voice behind Embracing Beauty.

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