Christmas Lights Boys Clip-on Tie Only $1.80 Shipped


Today only at you can snag their Daily Deal, a Christmas Lights 14″ Boys Clip-On Polyester Tie for only $0.95 (retail $9.95)!  To make this deal even better you can use the coupon code 15THANKS to get an additional 15% off ANY order. That makes this tie only $0.81!  Plus, shipping is only $0.99 for your entire order!

Note that there is an option to check out through Amazon but for me the shipping cost went up to $2.99 with that option.


These ties would be great for Christmas pictures, parties, stocking stuffers, or even a great item to donate!


Don’t forget to shop through Ebates to get an additional 6% cash back on all orders!


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About Ashley

Ashley is very happily married and the mother to a beautiful little girl, and she is the main voice behind Embracing Beauty.

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