Are you a review blogger?

Have you seen reviews on my blog or others’ and thought “I wonder how I could be a review blogger”? Well, if so, I have a great resource for you! The Product Review Place is an active community ran by women bloggers who already know the ins and outs of blogging. They have created a community where bloggers and companies come and work together. The PR Place offers opportunities for bloggers of all levels of experience. If you’re interested, check it out and be sure to come back here and let me know what you think it. Membership is completely free and they will never spam you. If you join be sure and tell them that Beauty4Moms sent you (and tell me please). If you have any questions about The PR Place just let me know and I’ll do my best to answer them.

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About Ashley

Ashley is very happily married and the mother to a beautiful little girl, and she is the main voice behind Embracing Beauty.

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