5 Simple Tips to Manage Your Hunger

Managing your weight also means managing your hunger. Here are 5 simple tips offered by Kraft Foods Healthy Living to help you stay on track.

1. S-l-o-w down. Your body takes about 20 minutes to signal it’s had enough food. Leafy green salads take a while to eat, giving your body enough time to recognize it’s satisfied.

2. Break the fast.
Eating a morning meal makes it less likely you’ll overeat during the rest of the day.

3. Make room for snacks in your diet. Foods with fiber and/or protein—whole fruits, cheese, whole grain crackers, nuts, peanut butter—will help keep you from feeling famished between meals.

4. Choose foods with lots of water. You can reduce hunger by eating foods that have a high water content—whole fruits, whole vegetables and broth-based soups.

5. Stay calm. Develop ways to cope with stress so you’re less likely to overeat.

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About Ashley

Ashley is very happily married and the mother to a beautiful little girl, and she is the main voice behind Embracing Beauty.

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